Eagles Flight Montessori Nursery School embedded Cultures and Diversity in our early year setting and supporting children learning English as an additional language children feel increasingly confident in expressing themselves and take risks in an effort to make themselves understood in English.
Children will understand far more than they can communicate in English, and can follow clearly phrased instructions and respond to simple questions. It is important that practitioners speak clearly and use language that is free from ambiguity.
All the activities in the Eagle’s Flight Montessori Nursery School are suitable, but some children prefer outdoor activities during this settling in period, appreciate the knowledge of play experiences such as the home corner and enjoy the solitary experimentation provided by open ended activities such as sand and water.
Our staff support the child’s developing understanding, taking every opportunity to communicate with the child in different ways, for instance, through gesture. We have sufficient staff according to child ratio that enable staff children to engage in literacy activities such as story times and rhyme sessions in small groups, where practitioners have a chance to adjust the pace to enhance the child’s understanding and participation.
Montessori places great emphasis on social values, culture and respect for others. Cooperation and collaboration are key both to a Montessori education and also for the challenges of the modern world. The Montessori philosophy recognizes the immense capacity of children to absorb information when given the freedom and independence to learn at their own pace. This approach encourages the child to enjoy the process of learning and departs completely from the discouraging ‘failure to keep up’ approach of typical teaching systems. At the same time, it also gives the freedom for high achievers to progress at their own